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Mysteries of Creation Posted in: Books by Krishna Dharma

In this canto of Srimad Bhagavatam we hear the great sage Shukadeva Goswami answering the questions of King Parikit, who has been cursed to die in seven days. After briefly delineating man’s highest duty and the best way to conquer suffering and death, Shukadeva explains the path of mystic yoga and meditation. We are then introduced to Lord Brahma, greatest of the gods and engineer of the universe. Questioned by his son Narada, another powerful…

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Sages of Naimisharanya Posted in: Books by Krishna Dharma

A dramatic retelling of Srimad Bhagavatam, the most prominent of the Puranas, or histories of the Ancient World. The original Sanskrit text of the work, penned by the great sage Vyasadeva, says it is ‘as brilliant as the sun’, because its teachings can illuminate our consciousness even in the darkest times. Much like the Arabian Nights, it has an intricate structure of stories within stories; epic tales of divine incarnations, saints, sages, gods and earthly…

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Bhagavad-gita As It Is Posted in: Books by Others

This book is a brilliant tour de force of spiritual realisation. Brightly illuminating the deepest meanings of the text, and making it very clear what Krishna was saying when he first spoke the Gita to Arjuna, Prabhupada takes us by the hand and leads us to realms of unlimited bliss. The evidence speaks for itself. Prabhupada himself said that before he presented this translation and commentary there were over fifty English versions of the Gita…

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Panchatantra Posted in: Books by Krishna Dharma

Panchatantra, India’s famous collection of fables has enthralled audiences for centuries. Full of humour, wit and wisdom, the tales combine artfully to convey basic life lessons. These fabulous stories, originally imported by a sage to three young princes, all illustrate that knowing how to use knowledge is more important than knowledge itself. The only non-scholarly version available, it is elegantly crafted and simple to read. Both younger readers and adults will enjoy this vivid retelling…

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Mahabharata: The Greatest Spiritual Epic of All Time Posted in: Books by Krishna Dharma, eBooks

Mahabharata, a part of the ancient Vedas of India, is a story quite unlike anything else. There are few books which have survived as long as this five thousand year old epic. Its enduring popularity is itself testimony to the profound wisdom contained in its pages. In fact it includes the Bhagavad-gita – a masterpiece of spiritual knowledge revered by millions worldwide – and is the narration of the factual events which surrounded the speaking…

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Ramayana: India’s Immortal Tale of Adventure, Love and Wisdom Posted in: Books by Krishna Dharma, eBooks

Ramayana must rank as one of the most loved and revered books of all time. A part of India’s ancient Vedas, it is a beautiful story of romance and adventure. It recounts the history of Rama, said be an incarnation of the Godhead, and his divine consort Sita. Filled with magic and mysticism, it entrances the reader and stirs deeply moving emotions. At the same time its profound spiritual messages leave one feeling uplifted and…

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Growing through Grief Posted in: Articles, Blog

Most of us discover at a fairly young age that the world is not a bed of roses. The carefree joys of childhood were brutally interrupted for me when I was just seven and I lost my mother. Navigating my way through an uncertain world after that, I encountered much more pain in the shape of a less than loving stepmother. It was enough to make me rather circumspect about the prospects of a trouble-free…

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Offering on Srila Prabhupada’s Disappearance Day Posted in: Uncategorized

I have been trying to work out if in this life I have been fortunate or unfortunate. Certainly to have come into contact with your movement and to have some small faith in your words is a very great good fortune. I really don’t know how that happened. I was just an average fool heading straight to hell, fully absorbed in sense gratification. Sure I was suffering, but I wasn’t intelligent enough to recognise that…

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My First Janmastami Posted in: Articles, Blog

  Back in 1972 I was a 17 year-old sea cadet. My ship had docked in Bombay and I stepped onto that exotic shore in search of reasonably priced souvenirs. Under the intense encouragement of a shopkeeper I came close to purchasing a fine ivory chess set costing most of my week’s wages before I spotted a little figurine of Krishna. He exerted a strange attraction over me and after handing over my hard-earned rupees…

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